In today's time social media | IAS ESSAY

In today's time social media | IAS ESSAY

Information is said to be like a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it can be used to spread confusion and havoc, So on the other hand it can also be done in creative works. Questions have always arisen about the role of social media in this modern phase of the information revolution. Economic, the Information revolution has played an important role in political and social progress, but the yield of information revolution itself, The questions arising about social media are also important. These are the questions - is social media creating a polarization situation in our society and what role should social media play in the progress of society? We live in a world where we are not only consumers of information, Are also productive. This is what makes us out of control. Several billion people log in to Facebook every day. Tweets are made on every second tweeter and many photos are posted on Instagram.

If polarization is talked about by social media, we find that many experiments were conducted in this regard in the past. A full range of psychological experiments was initiated in the 1950s by social psychologist Solomon Asch. These experiments determine, Were taken as to how a person's opinion is affected by the majority opinion. It concluded that someone was ready to give the wrong answer just by being involved with the majority opinion. Some people have not ridiculed, Give incorrect answers due to letting fly. Although this form of communication has developed and appeared in a new form since the 1950s, But despite this, human nature could not succeed in harmonizing with it. To some extent, this notion also indicates the impact of online fake news, Which has contributed to the expansion of polarization in society. Social media sites also play the role of catalysts. In the example, Twitter regularly inspires people who have the same viewpoint as us.

Thus we find that due to the influence of social media, the scope of thinking of people is becoming narrower which not only brings changes in behavior at the time of voting but also has a huge impact on individual wars every day.

If the original meaning of social media is talked about then computer, Sharing information on any human communication or internet via tablet or mobile is called social media. Many websites and apps contribute to this process. Social media has emerged as the largest means of communication at the present time and Indian is increasing its popularity. 

Ideas, content, information, and news can be shared among people at a rapid pace by social media. On the one hand, where people consider social media as a boon, on the other hand, people also see it as a curse

Talking about the positive effects of social media, it helps in the social development of society. It can provide access to millions of potential customers and send news through tools like social media marketing provided by it. Awareness of social issues generated Social media is considered a great tool in terms of doing. It can also establish contact with like-minded people. To reach the beautiful corner of the world, to bring your things to the maximum people at a rapid pace in a short time Has become the best tool.

Social media is being considered a great tool in terms of providing education. This leads to the rapid transfer of online janakari. This provides excellent online employment opportunities. Also business, Treatment, has an important role in influencing policymaking. Facebook by teachers and students at the present time, Twitter, Platforms like Linkedin, etc. are being used. By this, the middle distance between teacher and students has been reduced by simulating. Professor Skype, Live chat with its help on Twitter and elsewhere. Education has become easier due to social media

However, many physicists believe that social media is one of the biggest causes of depression and anxiety among people. Changes in sleeping habits due to excessive use of social media, Cybercrime, The ever-increasing pressure towards children, and an impressive profile is affecting the youth at large. Due to excessive busyness, there is very little time left for other tasks and other serious issues arise such as loss of focus, Anxiety, and other issues. Its excessive use and privacy lead to loss of privacy. This is a use for cybercrimes such as hacking, Identical thieves make them vulnerable to fishing offenses, etc

Social media is also being misused in many forms. Through this, not only social and religious frenzy is being spread but also misinformation is being given to political selfishness. This promotes violence in society as soon as possible, It also controls our thinking.

According to a report of the World Economic Forum, the spread of false information through social media is one of the emerging risks. It is certainly a hindrance in the way of the progress of the country and in such a situation it becomes necessary that our government should interfere in this and rein in it Try it. The central government had tried to decide the response of companies like Facebook and Google by drafting amendments to Section 79 of the Information Technology Act. Under this, IT companies are not only on the complaints of fake news to the court and government institutions but also to the general public Will be accountable As the country is on the path of modernization, challenges are also increasing. In such a situation, India needs a stricter law like Germany which was made to tighten Shinkaja on those who use objectionable material on social media. Also 'social It is also necessary to keep analyzing social media activities through media intelligence. This will allow objectionable materials to be removed without delay

Social media has given a new dimension to the right to freedom of expression. Today every person can put his views through social media without fear and can reach thousands of people, But social media misuse has also established it as a dangerous tool due to which they need for its regulation is constantly being felt. It is, therefore, necessary to violate the right to privacy without preventing misuse of social media, New options should be explored by deliberating with all parties So that its possible side effects can be avoided in the future.

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