There is a saying in the English, Time is money, that is, time is money. Throughout life, human beings keep trying continuously to earn money and get opulence. After all; He receives money. By following the advice of the doctor, Lost health is also found by exercising. The separated companions of childhood are reunited, but the moments of life that have gone once again are never found in this life. The cycle of time constantly revolves. Once the moment has passed, he returns Tax does not come.
Those same humans also get success in life, Who do not waste even one of their time, But uses it more and more. Now it is up to you how you use these precious time well - in sleep or in good work, In lore or in dispute, In friendship or discord, In defense or in Parpidan. How great are Kabir's lines, the symbol of the impermanence of time -
Kaal karai so today, karai so now.
Parlai Hoygi at the moment, Bahuri Karago when.
The secret of life's success lies in the good use of time. Whether it is poor or rich, Be it a farmer or a laborer, Be it king or subjects, Scholar or Fool, Everyone has equal rights over time. The utility of time makes even the ordinary person great. To date, the secret of the success of his life as many great men have been, has been the use of invaluable moments of the only time. Big crises, Vijay Vajayanti always follows him even in terrible struggles from terrible.
There is an ancient saying "time does not entail anyone". This means that all human successes, Hopes and desires depend on time. For example - the importance of "five minutes" and the unaccompanied Austrian napoleon of the Mahatmya were defeated in battle. A five-minute delay in the arrival of Napolian's only companion, Grushi, led Napolian to be conferred with the title of prisoner Had done.
Therefore, it is very important for a human to use time well. It is the utility of time to do every work that is unlucky. The work of humans who avoid today's work is never completed. They always burn in the fire of repentance in life Huh. But there is no benefit from burning because - "time lost, the panting of the reindeer" they are behind even in the time of moving forward. The wise man does not let his leisure moments go in vain
The wise man does not let his rest time go in vain, In the observation of the Saddlands, his time is spent, but the fools lose their time in sleeping in bad addictions or in fighting fights. Their vision has neither the value of time nor the value of the moment of life brittleness. but A wise man experiences spiritual joy and physical pleasure in the good use of time. The society of such people honors.
Wastening time is like suicide. Human suicide means to get rid of the world and become free from life. Suicide frees him from life's struggles forever - forever. In the same way, good use of time is human - life of uncertain time Makes him dead. Abuse of time cowardly human, Makes the male and non-industrial and indolent. Only thoughts are not corrupted by the misuse of time, Rather human moral collapse occurs
For the good use of time, man should divide his daily work synchronously. He should keep in mind what time he has to work. Most of the time of the man whose program is not sure is in vain - there passes away. The man who makes his definite program, Works by concentrating mental instincts, He must succeed in life-strength.
Using time well leads to personal advancement of man. We should focus on the imperfection of time from child to time. Sleeping on time to make the body healthy, get up on time, Eating on time, Exercise on time, It is very important to study on time. For mental advancement, we should study the Saddlands from the beginning and bigger than ourselves, One should discuss life-than-life topics with more intelligent people than himself.
The time for which work is fixed, He must be done at that time, Only then does a human progress in life. Never start a work late because initially delayed until late, success in that work is questionable. The value of time abroad is greatly understood. there Everyone knows how to use it well. If you have called someone at eight o'clock, he will come to you at exactly eight o'clock, not a minute ago, And not a minute later.We have some duties towards the country and society. We should spend some of our time in their service as well, Which leads to the advancement of the country and society. To help the helpless, To fill the stomach of hunger, One who spends some of his time in the interest of others also uses time well and has respect in society.
Services us in our daily programs, Caste service and social service should be taken out. Selfishness - accomplishment is not the main goal of human life. This life is as successful as all the good work can be done in this life. Human life is the property of the country. Therefore, in the national interest, he spends his time is, He is blessed. It is the ultimate duty of man to use his time well in his society, Welfare of your country and human race.
"Lazayav Hi Manushayan Dikastho Maha Ripu: |
That is, laziness is the greatest enemy of man. Lazy man is unable to progress in life. Most moments of his life, lethargy, Gold litigants are spent in controversy. Such a person can neither earn lore in student age nor bear the weight of household in youth
Lazy man's words become dim and dilapidated, They always complain of time. The hard worker never lacks time. Time for lazy humans to condemn others, To roam around, Dirty books are spent reading and in vain gossip. Such people are able to do the welfare of the country, And not your own. Only the person who makes good use of time by abandoning laziness is the creation of literature, Nationalist, Scientists and inventors have taken place.
Goswami Tulsidas ji has said, "Time does not go away, Bara." The speed of time is fast. It is the duty of every intelligent person to use it properly evaluating time. The speed of time cannot be stopped. Today's scientist has started taking authority over the elements of nature, But we could not tame time. So if we do our physical, If we want to make mental and spiritual progress, then we should learn to use our time well only then our progress is possible
Students must especially understand the importance of time because "the time of the cow does not come again." Students should make a timetable to use their time well. They should keep in mind that their certain work is not completed in that certain time.
Students who do not engage in their work in due time with full enthusiasm, He does gross injustice to himself. His future remains bleak. While splitting time, it should be kept in mind that physical and mental exhaustion should not be overpowered. It should also arrange entertainment. Entertainment brings harmony to life, There is accumulation of power. Actually time is very invaluable money. We should take full advantage of time.
Good use of time essay Essay on Time Management in English for Class 5
It is very important to understand the value of time in this world. Everyone should understand time and use it properly. Time is the power that can take you far or waste completely.
We get only 24 hours per day for time management. It is very important to manage this invaluable 24 hours properly.
In today's human life, 'time' is more valuable than money. Every single moment of life flows along the stream of time. That is why every single moment of life has importance. If a man gives a thought to this time of his life, then his Welfare of life may not be possible. The time that has passed once is never going to come back, so we should use the valuable time of our life well so that we will get the good fruit of that time in future.
Simple money has been considered the most valuable item but if seriously considered, time is worth many more than money. But the best thing is that time can never be bought. Time is no longer waiting in this world Does.
To make good use of time, every human should draw a line for his daily work and complete all his work by fragmenting his daily time in it. While working, this basic mantra in life should always be kept in mind that - today's Do work today, do not leave for tomorrow.
That is why ancient scholars have said - .
Let's sleep today, do it today, now, in the moment, the paraly will be, when will you do the multi ||
This means do the work that is done tomorrow and complete the work that is done today or else it will be very difficult to get hold of this time, change your turn in this way.
Some lazy and cowardly people talk unnecessarily, Condemning others and playing cards, moving around, They waste their time fighting and doing obscene acts. Such people never achieve success in their lives because they do not care about their time.
Samay ka Sadupyog par Nibandh for Class 6– Essay on the use of time
We all know the importance of time. Losing time is losing yourself. Individuals who recognize the value of time never fail.But the person who destroys time in vain works does not spend much time destroying them. In fact time is a very wonderful thing that if once gone, it does not come back. So it has been said that the time of time never comes back. There is neither any etc nor end of time, It always goes on its own way and those who learn to walk with it are successful in life. When time has so much importance, it is only prudent to use it in life.
A lot of power is hidden in time, it can make the king the runk and runk the king at the moment. Time is more valuable than money, so it is prudent to spend it thoughtfully. Our lives are fleeting in which time is short and work is more. Therefore, we did not waste a single minute of our life. Even every breath, every second should be used extensively
We should do all these tasks properly planned in school, homework, rest time, recreation, exercise. The circumstances change in a few moments. It is said that time and death do not wait for anyone. So those who misuse time, they destroy their lives and sit.
Those who understand the importance of time neither resort to luck nor look at anyone else's mouth. The time for them is the support that makes them successful and takes them. Time speeds are very bizarre. Lost wealth and lost power from unhealthy can be regained but the destroyed time can never come back. Time is the key to success. Those who recognize its importance can raise their name in the society till the hunt.
When using time well, the mind remains satisfied and happy. As much work as one can do in an hour by agility, sluggishness cannot be done in a day. Many wars have won due to observance of time.
Time is an invaluable money. The ticking of the clock always awakens us. The needles of the clock keep telling us that this moment of life has also gone. We need to keep an account of the waste time of money in the science age today. Do not let the precious life time fall into the clamshells. Good use of time never goes fruitless, so use it properly and fairly.
Good use of time Essay in English Class 7
Really, Time is a precious object. Any item can be found in the world, But lost time does not come again. There is no one in the world who plays the rants again. The success of our lives is often dependent on the good use of time. In fact, he understands the value of his precious life, Who understands the value of a moment. Of time that was well used, He made good use of his life.
It is sad that many people misuse time. By eight o'clock, their eyes are submerged in sleep. Then get up, So half an hour is spent in taking laziness. We work the winning hours throughout the day, So he spends many times more time in waste and in meaningless things. Many people are involved in cards and chess throughout the day. Although we have to complete each task in due time to make good use of the entertainment time in our life Should try to do. A few days of continuous practice will make us habit of using time appropriately and we will get the key to making life successful. We study by dividing time, Exercise, Satsang, Social service, Entertainment etc. can do many things easily. This will neither make us aware of the workload nor “what work to do now ?"It will destroy time to think. Essay on the use of time.
No person can become great without using his time. The great people of the world knew the value of time, So they could become great. Only by using the time could they get immortal kirti in the world. If a chieftain does not delay the clocks in the Waterloo War, So Napoleon would have survived his gross defeat. Essay on the good use of time.
Good use of time Essay in English for Class 8
Common life is the most valuable word,Time | This is the only word, The person who accompanies him from birth to his last mother-in-law. But the importance of this word with changing times ,People have changed | Is a very popular sentence - "We did not get time" .
Ever thought that, Why is this happening? If ever thought about this subject , Then we will know that with the changing times we have changed ourselves so much that, If we look back, we will know that, We have lost our loved ones. Or it can also be said that, Even if we have lost ourselves, Would not be an exaggeration.
Has there been any change in time? ? No, change has happened in humans. Humans have changed with the changing century. Once we thought that, when we used to be ancestors earlier, there was such a problem ? There were 24 hours, even today it is 24 hours. This cycle of time has not changed. He has been running continuously since then.
Twenty century ago ,Never used to have such a problem, The logo did not have time. whereas ,Then there was no comfort available. To travel miles away, neither, Traffic equipment was available , No means of entertainment , Nor were any other means of luxury available. Then one does not have to wake up overnight to work.
In fact, life used to be much simpler then why, at that time, the person was not a "slave of life clock".
with changing times ,As machines were invented, Yesterday-factories were built, Job phase started, Time ran away. Life as if the rail track started moving fast. In this race to earn money, To collect comfort, The person has made himself so busy that, He does not even know that, The family or self he is doing all this for, It is far from them.
Why is all this happening??
Have we become exactly the same while making and working with the machine in the right mine?? We need again today that we stayed for a moment, and see the precious life God has given us, we should not have lost it in vain.
Put a small song to know the time, just one day - .
24 hours - 8 hours of sleeping, 2 hours of daily work, 6-8 hours of job, .
Time left, That is for us. Only 6-8 hours ie , 30-40 percent of the life is in our hands which is just, Is for us We do all that in our life, For which we are born. All this will happen only when we ourselves,Will do it correctly and smoothly.
If seen, man has got a very small life. Instead of making him vain, instead of planning it every single day with full understanding, it will make our life very easy and happy.
How to use your time well ?
It is said that what has passed, that thing has gone | It is a very small thing that whatever has been forgotten or Galatia before, we have wasted some time by teaching them not to waste the life.
Important points of good use of time -
Set the goal - the time will be well utilized, When we set goals in our life. When shall we, what and in how long ,Have to complete We have to set small goals to reach a big goal, Be different for every day.
Manage time to make good use of time - every lost item in life like money, property or more important things can also be brought again.
But, only one time is such a valuable thing that, once gone, is not found again. Our one moment is very valuable, do not waste it like that. Manage every hour.
Create a time table for this | And maintain a diary. For some time, write the entire routine in that night, you will know yourself and how much time we have wasted. Use that waste time by planning it too.
Work in prime time, there is a time throughout the day when we are fully active like - morning. That is, by fixing the important work time in the morning, do it.
Understand the importance of work - work according to goal Understand the importance of work and its priority(Priority) decide. Make a list of small tasks and the work to be done first, decide over time. With the importance of work, keep saving your time as well. Like -
Do not feel lazy .
Do not remove work
Greed does not keep anything
Today's work, do not leave tomorrow
Use modern technologies like Internet and Mobile as needed
All this things waste our time
Set a deadline - Good use of time requires that we set a deadline for every work (Deadline). We have to complete our work till a certain time, only then we will go ahead in life.
There is a lot of time to be used for the good of time, learning over time, stumbling into life over time, planning the same time step by step, and reaching your goal for a certain time
Samay ka sadupayog Essay in English for Class 9 Essay on the use of time
Recognizing the value of time is a good use of time. One moment of time is more valuable than any valuable item. Who use time well, Success kisses their feet. Individuals who do not understand the importance of time, They never reach success. Nobody has control over time. Even a moment of the time God has given us, Can not be increased nor reduced. The elapsed time never returns. He walks at his own pace. One moment of time should be used well. Wise children study while reading, Play while playing and entertain while playing. Such students also pass the biggest test in jokes. The time left from school is used to learn other arts.
Kabir Das ji has also said:
"Tomorrow, you will sleep today, today, you will be kind of deaf in the moment."
Today's work should not be left on tomorrow. A person working on time does not only do good for himself but his family, Village and the nation are also helpful in its advancement. Poor and rich by using time well, Can become weak and foolish and intelligent. If you look at history, the use of time has been the core of the greatness of all the great people in the world.
The fierce enemy of time is laziness. Today many people of the younger generation are sitting at home on holiday days. This is the belief of such people:
"Today, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, what is so fast, now years are lying." ?"
Due to which they do not suffer loss on their own but the country also has to suffer heavy losses. The Bajurghas have said that it is good to 'beggar' from sitting down. Expect to sit in vain, if one is assisted in his work So 'one cult-two hinges' become. One gets help from the needy, We learn something new instead of sitting empty.
Great scientists have made new inventions in their laboratories, using each moment well. People who use time become immortal in history. Their inhabitants understand the importance of time as many developed countries in the world.
They do all the work at the time. We also have to make India a leader in the line of developed country by resolving the use of time.
Samay ka sadupayog Essay in English for Class 10 Essay on Good Use of Time
The result of work done at the right time is always good. The secret of any success lies in recognizing the speed of time and its importance. Time has been considered the most important and valuable money. There is a famous saying in English: "The time is gold" ie Time itself is gold, that is, valuable money. Making proper use of this money, for the one who learned it, it is no longer difficult to earn anything else in the world. Other wealth and assets of the world can be re-earned if destroyed; But once the money is out of hand, the property cannot be returned. For this reason, it is said to be used in all ways by considering the most valuable money in time.
Some people are victims of lies, They are sitting hand-in-hand thinking that there is no suitable time yet, When the good time comes, Then it will work. Such people probably forget that the time elapsed never returns. He keeps going continuously. We can use time well only by doing continuous deeds. By doing good deeds, by doing good work, time itself good for yourself, Lucky and progressive can be made. No other speed than this. All other things are going to waste time. Bad deeds and evil and bad behavior make good times worse.
Time stance in the world, By identifying the cycle of time, Only a person doing proper work in proper manner is able to become a master of success in every way. Once or not in every man's life, the time comes when the person can identify him and start his work at that time by examining him, So there is no reason why he could not succeed. Shakespear has said in his play from the face of 'Julius Caesar' that "There is a tide of time", that there is a moment in time, where the person who knew him would reach is. Identifying time and doing such proper work is called good use of time.
In folk life, the saying prevails that a man of a moment gets miles behind. Recognizing that proper moment, the person walking on time also gets his floor proper and more. It is clear that what will go on, He will move forward and eventually reach the floor. A person standing can only dream of getting the floor, Cannot even touch his shadow at the level of behavior. So whatever the man wants to do, Should be started immediately. Today's work should never be left tomorrow. One should never back down from doing your duty deeds. Work is small or big, It should not be thought of either. Because no work is small or big. Good and careful person your good attitude, Good intentions and good use of time also make small and ordinary work bigger and special.
The history of human development and progress from the beginning of creation to the present day has been created, All this is made possible by proper use of time and is happening. If the people who get fame and fame by doing great work also keep sitting hand-in-hand with tomorrow, So today, the kind of means of happiness and bliss are available, They could never happen. This is the real identity and difference between humans and animals that a human knows the value of time to be well used, While animal birds do not have these qualities.
Blinking the eyelid means decreasing a fraction of the time, Do not know when the time runs out and death will bring about the invaluable treasure of breaths. Great men have recognized this fact and said not to lose a breath or even a moment. Today, all the successful people have done their time. Recognized the price and achieved success by doing the appropriate work at the appropriate time.