Essay on Child Labour in English, Essay on Child Labour
Essays on Child Labour, Essay of Child Labour in English, Meaning, Advantage, Reasons
- Preface
- The meaning of child labour or child labour
- Due to child labour or child labour
- Side Effects of Child Labour or Child Labour
- Measures to prevent child labour or child labour
- Work done by the Government to curb child labour or child labour
- Conclusion
Don't break a bud before it becomes a flower,
Her beauty will be lost.
Don't sway them before childhood takes over,
Their innocence will become redundant.
In their childhood, those who could not be able to fill the colour are right,
But you don't even have the right to take away their childhood.
Child labour is a very serious matter for our country and society. Today, the time has come for us to talk about this and understand our moral responsibilities. Rooting out child labour has become a challenge for our country today because it is the parents of the children who have started getting the children to work. Today, it has become common in our country to see a child doing hard work.
Child labour has been made a business by big people and mafias. Due to which child labour is increasing day by day in our country and children's childhood is deteriorating. This not only spoils the future of children but also spreads poverty in the country and hampers the development of the country.
Child labour is illegal in India as well as in all countries. Child labour has become a disgrace to our society. The problem of child labour is becoming very acute over time. If this problem is not eradicated in time, it could endanger the future of the entire country.
The meaning of child labour or child labour
When a child is deprived of his childhood and forced to work in strength, he is called child labour. Children are kept away from their families and treated as slaves.
In other words, any work done in exchange for money or any other greed during a child's childhood is called child labour. This type of wage is mostly done in exchange for money or needs.
Simply put, children below the age of 14 years are called child labour by taking away their childhood, sports, right to education, physically, mentally and socially harassing them by employing them, exploiting them by working for less money, turning their childhood into labour.
Child labour is completely illegal. This type of wage is also condemned by every section of the society. As per the 24th Article of the Constitution of India, 1950, it is under child labour to work as wages, factories, hotels, dhabas, domestic help etc. If a person is found to be doing so, there is a provision of appropriate punishment for him. According to the latest report, more than 35 million children in India work as child labourers. Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan have the highest child labour.
Due to child labour or child labour
(i) The biggest cause of child labour is poverty in our country. Poor families are unable to earn their livelihood, so they send their children for child labour.
(ii) Due to lack of education, parents think that the sooner children learn to earn, the sooner it will be good for them.
(iii) The parents of some parents are greedy, who do not want to work themselves and send their children to do difficult tasks for a few rupees.
(iv) Child labour is also being promoted because children are paid less as a reward for working, which is why people prefer to hire children.
(v) Lakhs of children are orphans in our country, one of the reasons for increase in child labour. Some mafia scare scare scares the children and sends them to beg and work as labourers.
(vi) Sometimes children have family compulsions because there are some accidents that leave no one in their family to earn, so they have to go to hotels, dhabas, tea shops, factories tomorrow to work hard in their childhood.
(vii) The population growth rate in India is increasing very fast, due to which the price of essential commodities is increasing day by day. Due to which the poor people are not able to support their families, so all the members of the family have to work hard, including the children, so the children have to work hard even if they do not want to.
(viii) Corruption is one of the reasons for child labour, so their owners at big hotels, dhabas and factories hire children without fear, knowing that even if caught, they will be released by paying bribes, so corruption plays an important role in child labour.
(ix) The Government of India has enacted laws to check child labour, but there are a lot of loopholes in those laws, taking advantage of this, people carry out child labour and sometimes the law is not followed regularly.
Side Effects of Child Labour or Child Labour
(i) The best moment of life is childhood. When we are children, we are not worried about anything. We play with toys and everyone loves us as well as we can read whatever we want. But children who are employed for child labour never play and are unable to do what they want. Because of which his entire childhood is spent working as a labourer.
(ii) Child labourers often suffer from malnutrition because their owners overdo them but do not give them anything to eat. Due to which their body is deficient in energy and they gradually become malnourished.
(iii) Many children and girls are also physically abused while working as child labourers, which is a double whammy on them. According to a report, about 40% of child labourers are physically abused. It is a very serious thing but it is never taken care of.
(iv) Children often make mistakes while working. Mistakes are made by older people, but it is easy to scold children, so their employers who make them work mentally torture them. Which has a bad effect on the brain of a small child.
(v) Parents of children, as children, put their children on wages for a few rupees, but they do not know that if they do not read, they will not be able to get a job and they will have to work all their lives. Due to which his entire life will be spent in poverty.
(vi) Children from most poor families are unable to read and write, which is why they are not able to do good jobs and cooperate in the development of the country, so the economic development of the country also slows down.
(vii) People in the place where children are paid are used abusive language. At the same time, their living conditions are not good. As a result, children also live with them and their language and their similar conditions and their mental state also weakens, preventing the development of a good society.
(viii) The child remains illiterate. Tomorrow, the coming of the country, begins to go to darkness. At the same time, unemployment, poverty begin to grow further.
(ix) Getting children to work prevents physical, mental, intellectual and social development of children.
Measures to prevent child labour or child labour
Child labour is a curse for our society which will not allow our society to become injustice free. We must always keep in mind that we do not do the child any favours by paying or feeding him instead of getting him to work, but that we play with his future.
(i) To eliminate child labour, first of all, we have to change our thinking. No child should be hired in their homes or offices first to end child labour.
(ii) Strong and stringent laws should be enacted to prevent child labour. So that no one is afraid to get child labour done.
(iii) If you come across any child labour case, first of all, you should report to the nearest police station.
(iv) We must raise our voice against the stone hearts that harbour child labour.
(v) The common man should also be aware of child labour and prevent it from taking place in his society.
(vi) Poor parents should pay full attention to the education of their children as today the Government is providing facilities like free education, food and medicines in some schools.
(vii) People in factories and shops should take a pledge that they will not get any child paid wages or labour and stop the people who get the work done.
(viii) Whenever we buy a goods, first ask the shopkeeper about his technique. We can create an atmosphere of consciousness in the society by asking this question. We should not use anything made of child labour.
(xi) If we come to know about any child labour, we should first talk to the family members of the child. They should understand their circumstances and tell them about their child's future. The family members of the children should be told about the loss of child labour and the legal offence.
(x) The education system of our country is still not improving. Due to which children in rural areas and scattered areas are still unable to read and write. Due to which he falls prey to child labour in his childhood.
(xi) Criminals who undergo child labour due to corruption are easily released or not arrested. Because of which young children have to work hard, so we should curb corruption.
(xii) There are many good people in our society, but we need more good people who can bear the full cost of the education of at least one poor child because nothing can happen unless we take responsibility for our society because the Government alone cannot do everything. Therefore, we should go ahead and help the poor children to study.
Work done by the Government to curb child labour or child labour
The Government has been enacting a number of laws to make the country completely free from child labour. But unless we and you follow those laws properly, it is not possible to completely free the country from child labour. Some of the laws enacted by the Government –
(i) The Child Labour (Prohibition and regulation) (Prohibition and Regulation) Act 1986 – To root out child labour, the Child Labour Act has been enacted by our Government in 1986 to treat child under the age of 14 as a punishable offence.
(ii) The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) (Care and Protection) of Children Act of 2000 – Under this law, strict action will be taken against a person who pays wages to children or compels them to do so.
(iii) The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory education Act, 2009 – The Act was enacted in 2009 to provide free education to children in the age group of 6 to 14 years, as well as 25% seats reserved for poor and disabled children in private schools.
Child labour is a serious problem for our country, if it is not abolished soon, it will be a hindrance to the development of our country. At the same time, children who should laugh, play and study as children will meet us with a lot of hard work which will spoil the future of our country.
Therefore, we must raise our voice against child labour today and complain about where ever a child finds us working as a child at a nearby police station. It is not only the duty of the Government to eliminate child labour, it is our duty also.
Child labour is a very big social problem. This problem needs to be eliminated by all at the earliest. If no action is taken on this problem soon, it will hollow out the entire country like a termite. Children are the future of our country
If his childhood is spent in darkness and child labour, how can we imagine a strong India? If we have to build a New India, we have to root out child labour, it is possible only with the cooperation of us and the Government.